Section outline
Image by Robert Waghorn from Pixabay
Welcome to UniSQ Student Learning Advising's Academic and Study Skills Support for First Nations Students. Use the menu below to navigate to resources to help build your academic and study skills.
Academic and Study Skills Supports
Here you will find a variety of self-led resources, such as PDFs, videos, and modules to build your academic skills and study strategies.
Find out more about our weekly Academic Success webinars, where we discuss a number of different topics on academic and study skills.
First Nations Learning Advisors
Here you will find information on how First Nations Learning Advisors can help you navigate your study journey.
Studiosity is a free, 24/7, fast feedback service that all UniSQ students can access. With live tutors at the ready, you can seek feedback on assignment drafts, or get support via live chat.
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are a great way to boost the effectiveness of your study time, meet peers, and chat with a PASS Leader who has previously completed your course.
Here you will find information on accessing disability supports, free UniSQ counselling services, wellbeing supports, career development and planning, and more.
The UniSQ Library is your gateway to researching and referencing effectively for your assessments. There’s lots of useful information to be found here.
Finding Information & Referencing
Here you will find resources to effectively find and reference information, including referencing guides and information on creating search strategies.
UniSQ First Nations Australia Subject Guide
The UniSQ First Nations Australia Subject Guide is for all UniSQ students, particularly those undertaking courses containing First Nations Knowledges, or discussing First Nations contexts. The guide contains useful information on referencing First Nations Knowledges, links to appropriate sources, and more.
This will take you directly to UniSQ’s College for First Nations website, where you will find information on IHEPP, accessing the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS), how to contact and yarn with the First Nations Student Support and Success Officers, and more.
For First Nations students, Ask Aunty is your go-to hub. Here you’ll find information on events happening in the College for First Nations, student opportunities, study support, and you can connect with fellow First Nations students, and staff. Engaging with Ask Aunty is a great way to build your uni community.